Even 40+ year olds can be extremely stupid
I went to The Goat in Ponders End tonight to say goodbye to two very good friends. Firstly, my friend Jude Cringle is giving up her full time job at Middlesex University to go to Australia for a year. Secondly, my good friend Michelle Copp is also giving up her full time job at Middlesex to do a study placement in California for a year. They are both fabulous friends and I'll miss them both very much. Lots of people turned up to wish them well and lots of alchohol was consumed in the process and it was all very sad and tearful, but there were lots of laughs too. I'm sure the year will go by too quickly and I can't wait to see them both again and hear all their stories.
Towards the end of the night I started to chatting to a girl (who shall be referred to as 'girl') next to me and it turns out we had some common interests. We both share a common fancy for James Marsters (i.e. Spike from Buffy), Buffy, Angel, and Charmed etc. She seemed lovely. I also have a good friend called Bob and chatted to one of his friends (whose name I forget, but shall be now known as 'idiot'), who I thought was very nice, until the following conversation occurred (it's not an exact replica of the conversation but it went something like this):
Bob: How are you getting home Janey?
Me: Oh I'm not sure
Bob: How about we share a taxi with Jude as we're on her way home?
Me: That's great
Idiot: I can give you a lift home, my car is uninsured but it's ok
Me: You're car is uninsured but it's ok?
Idiot: Yeah, the insurance company wrote it off but it's still legal
Me: How can your car be legal if the insurance company wrote it off?
Idiot: Because it is, I haven't been drinking
Me: What's drinking got to do with it. The insurance company wrote it off, so it's not legal to drive
Girl: *snigger*
Idiot: Yeah and the headlights have no glass but it's ok
Me: So, the insurance company wrote off your car, your headlights have no glass, your car is illegal, yet you still drive it
Idiot: Yeah but I haven't been drinking
Girl: *snigger*
Me is starting to get quite frustrated by this point. 'Girl' is sniggering at the argument because she thinks it's funny. Turns out both of them are 40+ and personally, I think they should know better. I say to 'girl',
Me: You're accepting a lift from this person who is driving an illegal car? (she had done)
Girl: I don't need insurance
Me: But what if he has an accident?
Girl: Oh who cares etc. etc.
Idiot: But my car is legal to drive
Me: But your car isn't legal to drive
Ad infinitum. This conversation went round in circles for a good ten minutes. At one point I said
Me: I'm not continuing this conversation. You're old enough to know better but you're behaving irresponsibly and putting yourself and your friend in danger. You're stupid (I'd resorted to insults by this stage - I generally do when I get exasperated by other peoples' stupidity).
Me, Bob and Jude eventually went to get our taxi whilst 'Idiot' and 'Girl' were walking behind us. I heard him making snide comments just loud enough for me to here about his car being unsafe while 'girl' sniggered at his comments.
To be honest, I don't see why I should care. It's their lives in danger not mine. However, they're also putting other people's lives in danger. I've met selfish twats in my lifetime but no-one as irresponsible and stupid as these two. And they're 40+ ..... and we complain about younger people being irresponsible.
Towards the end of the night I started to chatting to a girl (who shall be referred to as 'girl') next to me and it turns out we had some common interests. We both share a common fancy for James Marsters (i.e. Spike from Buffy), Buffy, Angel, and Charmed etc. She seemed lovely. I also have a good friend called Bob and chatted to one of his friends (whose name I forget, but shall be now known as 'idiot'), who I thought was very nice, until the following conversation occurred (it's not an exact replica of the conversation but it went something like this):
Bob: How are you getting home Janey?
Me: Oh I'm not sure
Bob: How about we share a taxi with Jude as we're on her way home?
Me: That's great
Idiot: I can give you a lift home, my car is uninsured but it's ok
Me: You're car is uninsured but it's ok?
Idiot: Yeah, the insurance company wrote it off but it's still legal
Me: How can your car be legal if the insurance company wrote it off?
Idiot: Because it is, I haven't been drinking
Me: What's drinking got to do with it. The insurance company wrote it off, so it's not legal to drive
Girl: *snigger*
Idiot: Yeah and the headlights have no glass but it's ok
Me: So, the insurance company wrote off your car, your headlights have no glass, your car is illegal, yet you still drive it
Idiot: Yeah but I haven't been drinking
Girl: *snigger*
Me is starting to get quite frustrated by this point. 'Girl' is sniggering at the argument because she thinks it's funny. Turns out both of them are 40+ and personally, I think they should know better. I say to 'girl',
Me: You're accepting a lift from this person who is driving an illegal car? (she had done)
Girl: I don't need insurance
Me: But what if he has an accident?
Girl: Oh who cares etc. etc.
Idiot: But my car is legal to drive
Me: But your car isn't legal to drive
Ad infinitum. This conversation went round in circles for a good ten minutes. At one point I said
Me: I'm not continuing this conversation. You're old enough to know better but you're behaving irresponsibly and putting yourself and your friend in danger. You're stupid (I'd resorted to insults by this stage - I generally do when I get exasperated by other peoples' stupidity).
Me, Bob and Jude eventually went to get our taxi whilst 'Idiot' and 'Girl' were walking behind us. I heard him making snide comments just loud enough for me to here about his car being unsafe while 'girl' sniggered at his comments.
To be honest, I don't see why I should care. It's their lives in danger not mine. However, they're also putting other people's lives in danger. I've met selfish twats in my lifetime but no-one as irresponsible and stupid as these two. And they're 40+ ..... and we complain about younger people being irresponsible.
At 5:22 PM,
DK said…
Hi, personally I agree with your blog and it's madness that people that age act so irresposibly. Now on to business. I saw that you are doing your PhD on World of Warcraft player characteristics! I would love to read it please drop me a line at welsh_lad006@yahoo.com
At 10:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
Never argue with a moron.
At 12:24 PM,
Hala said…
Yeah, I was stupid really to try and reason with him. I know better now :)
@DK - I emailed you ages ago. Did you get my reply?
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