Vasyor Gets A Surprise
Looking at Vasyor and Hala you'd think they make a perfect furbolg couple. On the day that Hala had gone home after a hard day's slaughtering and found a perfectly wrapped present on her doorstep, while Vasyor was sitting in the Ironforge inn and singing very rude songs and performing his striptease to the night elves. The present Hala found was very glittery and shiny and had a big label attached to the red ribbon that said, 'For Hala and Vasyor, handle with care'. Without waiting for Vasyor, Hala immediately ripped off the glittery wrapping, opened the box lid and out jumped an imp! As soon as the imp saw Hala he started shouting cheeky comments to her and pretending to throw fireballs at her, but once he saw she had cookies he calmed down. While he was eating those, Hala was wondering who on earth had sent her such a strange creature? She'd heard old furbolg wives tales about the rarity of baby furbolgs, and about how they suddenly appeared on doorsteps or under bushes and assumed that in this instance, she was now the mother of a very strange but handsome looking furbolg indeed. She was meeting Vasyor soon so maybe he'd know something about the imp. As she was preparing to go out, so did the imp, who was suddenly sitting in the head of a goblin reaper. 'Strange', thought Hala, 'that such a strange creature could be ours.'
Vasyor phoned Hala to say that he'd earned enough cash from that night's striptease for them both to find a bigger new nest with an en-suite bathroom, and dancing pole for Vasyor to practice his entertainment skills. He also told Hala he was on his way to Arathi, so Hala headed there also, to meet Vasyor and their friends who were joining in the fight against the evil Horde. On the way there she started to think about what she was going to say to Vasyor about the imp. Would they still be able to afford their nice new nest? She hoped everything would be OK. Once she got there, she sought out her friends and very soon the battle moved from the bridge to beyond, far over into the Horde territory. There were still a few dying Horde bodies scattered on the bridge and the couple searched the pockets for cookies but to no avail. The Horde had scoffed them all. As punishment for being cookie-less, the pair ate the remaining Horde who were still alive but injured (and there were a few dozen of them as well).
All the bones had been picked clean by the pair. They also did a magic fire thing with their hands so they could barbeque some of the limbs. Hala secretly gave their imp some of the Horde eyeballs although she had to burst them first between her teeth so they were easier for him to digest. Next they found a nice place to sit and chit chat. Hala was having trouble jumping on the bridge post - she just couldn't get the height to jump (and she even tried to jump up in gnome form using her felsteed). Vasyor was attempting to show Hala how it was done but they'd both eaten too many Horde to be successful first time. 'We've gone a bit fat', said Hala to which Vasyor sadly replied, 'It's my butt isn't it?'.
Eventually they managed to climb on top of the post, both in their natural furbolg state and it was there that Hala just decided to tell Vasyor everything that had happened while he was working. Vasyor grinned at Hala and told her how he'd gone to see the old furbolg wives and ordered a baby from the rare baby furbolg catalogue as a surprise for her. He'd earned a bit extra one night with a particularly rowdy crowd of night elves. He was a very happy furbolg daddy. Then, a look appeared on his face as he noticed the imp's ears - a far off philosophical distant look mixed with curiosity, sadness, and a tinge of anger (an extremely rare expression only to be found on furbolgs). Looking at its ears, how could the imp be his? 'It's Nirr's', he said. 'You're more than friends with that night elf', said Vasyor sadly, turning to face the long drop to the ground below. Hala stamped her big furry paws, kneeled in front of Vasyor and declared, 'But it's you I love!' Secretly both were wondering whether their order had been mixed up.
'Noooooooooooo!' shouted Hala. 'Stop! The baby furbolg is yours!' But it was too late. Vasyor had jumped. Hala tentatively walked over to the edge, bracing herself for the tragic death scene that was she was about to face. Her lover, dead. But she was shocked by what she saw when she looked over the edge. Vasyor had jumped to scare Hala, and he'd also survived. 'He's lucky he ate far more Horde than usual', she thought. 'At least his ballooning belly stopped him from hurting himself, although he could've gone 'splat'.'
She watched Vasyor come puffing and panting back up to the bridge with a smug look on his face. Although Hala was elated that Vasyor had survived she was still cross he'd accused her of cheating on him with a purple-haired night elf. At that point Hala ran behind one of the posts to hide as Vasyor passed her. She watched him check his furbolg pockets and change into human form which mean't that he was going off to the Ironforge Inn again to drink away his sorrows. 'I'll make him feel better about himself tomorrow', thought Hala as she changed into gnome form, and charged towards Vasyor, pushing him off the bridge and into the depths below, and watching him bounce on his belly.
There is a happy ending to this story. There had indeed been a mix-up in baby orders. Hala and Vasyor were reunited with their baby furbolg that had accidentally been sent to Hala's minion, Smurfy, whilst he was on holiday in Gadgetzan. A very puzzled Smurfy had grunted down the phone about the strange event to his mistress. Eventually the pair decided they would adopt the imp as his stamina skills would come in useful during some battles and he also had a fire shield. They decided to call the imp Choham (although after today's events Hala was sure she'd been given another imp when she was a Level 6 in Dun Morogh).
At 6:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
greatest story i've ever seen
At 11:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
@_@ holy shit im famous - Telrunya
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